
Set the strips also definitely, so that they work in two-channel mode. Typically, the memory slots on the motherboard are painted in two colors — these are channels…

Thus, set your two levels of RAM into the slots of the same color. In our case — through one. If there are many RAM (16 or 32 GB) — there will be all the slots.

and a few more words…

That’s all today. To new useful tips and computer programs.

Sincerely, Sergey Trofimov (not singer)

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The author of the article is not a programmer! All links are taken from the official sites of manufacturers of these programs! Any claims to them!


How to choose RAM RAM MEMORY Computer Forum
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# 1 Gaborik »06/16/2011, 00:49
It is not necessary to choose the right memory correctly as it seems. Today we will tell about how not to make a mistake in the choice and choose the most efficient memory. RAM or RAM (promptly storage device) is a place where the necessary processor is stored. At the time of the computer, it contains information about all running processes. But after turning off or restarting the computer — all data is deleted. Today, the operational memory made using the DRAM technology (eng. Dynamic Random Access Memory — dynamic memory with free access). Selecting RAM, pay attention to the main elements:

    Memountability IMAGEMA memory (latency) Br /> RAM types. Purchase RAM — Define the type

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