Тег: поради


Італійський нападник все ще мріє про Скуадрі Адзуррі.

31-річний Маріо Балотеллі, який захищає кольори турецького клубу Адана Демірспор, зізнався в бажанні повернутися до лав національної команди Італії.

Відчуваю себе добре я у відмінній формі. Після останніх двох з половиною років відчуваю, що готовий знову повернутися в збірну Італії. Це моя мрія. Я пішов би пішки з Туреччини, якби знав, що в березні буду в заявці збірної, — цитує Балотеллі Noibiancocelesti, посилаючись на OCW Sport.

В поточному сезоні турецької Суперліги Балотеллі провів 12 матчів, забив 5 голів, зробив 2 ассисти.

Нагадаємо, збірна Італії після другого місця у відбірковій групі кваліфікації ЧС 2022 тепер навесні наступного року зіграє в стикових матчах за право відправитися в Катар.

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Bluetooth or WiFi. The user needs only to open the «IOS Management Center», click on the AirPlay Video Controller and select the desired console. The mirror image automatically moves to the monitor connected to the Apple TV.


Connecting a tablet PC to the TableTSPC-RU monitor
Connecting a tablet PC to the monitor < / P>

Tablet computer is one of the most comfortable things you have ever used. With this device, you can perform most of the operations related to everyday activities. For example, we can take a tablet PC with you to a meeting or a meeting, connect to the Internet via WiFi and create documents using text processors. Tablet computer is also equipped with a touchscreen monitor that helps to carry out all this activity. However, sometimes there are cases when we need to use a larger monitor screen than the one that you already have on the tablet. This can be done by connecting a tablet computer to another desktop monitor or even to the television screen. Below we give the steps of such a connection.

All materials on the TableTSPC-RU website are given with a study goal and in no case can not serve as a guide to action! The instructions shown or mentioned in different guidelines on this site are mainly represented in educational purposes. The site administration is not responsible for the use of various both official and unofficial firmware, and is also not their author. You are fully responsible for the implementation of the instructions presented on this site.

From the very beginning you need to carefully examine your tablet computer. Holding it down, look at the sides to check the ports that can be there. It must have VGA or DVI ports that are used to connect the tablet to the external monitor. More than new versions of the tablets have HDMI ports that are connected to LCD monitors. If you are not sure if you have little needed experience, take the tablet to where you bought it and ask for help from the trading enterprise manager.

Check out the external monitor. Then you also need to inspect the desktop monitor or TV for the presence of ports to which you can connect your tablet. These ports can be found side or on the rear of the monitor. Thus, you can determine which cable is compatible with your tablet. For example, your tablet and external monitor has VGA ports, it means that you can use the VGA cable to connect them. Similarly, the case is with the ports of HDMI and cables.

but how do you still make a connection? Start from turning on the tablet and connect the cable to the external monitor. After connecting both devices to the ports, click on the working surface with the right mouse button on the desktop and select the option «Properties», which will lead us to the «Screen Properties» settings. Then go to the «Parameters» tab. There you can see two squares in the frame. One of them goes at number 1, and the second number 2. Click a square at number 2, which displays the second or external monitor, and which we need to use. After that, we will see the line in which it is written: «Use this device as the main monitor.» Check in a small square near this phrase. Finally, click on the Apply button to activate the changes. If everything is done correctly, then your second monitor should now be an initial screen.

If you use a television screen as an additional monitor, log in to the «Source» parameters and read the options you want to select. Select VGA, HDMI or other connection port.


How to connect the tablet to TV or monitor Article

You probably have probably about the idea that it would be nice to watch movies / photos from the Android tablet on the big screen. Even if you have a 10.1-inch tablet diagonal, it will still do not replace 50 inches of the TV and 20 inches of the monitor. Fortunately, many manufacturers provided the ability to connect tablets to monitors and TVs.


The easiest way to connect is an HDMI cable. If your tablet does not have the cheapest, the likelihood is that the MiniHDMI connector is present in it. But the miniHDMI cable — HDMI is almost never included in the tablet package, it is necessary to buy it separately. It is in the area of ​​$ 20. If you already have an HDMI format cable — HDMI, it is enough just to buy an adapter on minihdmi.

Connection simply stick one end of the cable in the HDMI connector of the TV or monitor, and the second is in the minihdmi tablet connector.

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