During computer check li> Resident Spybot component, which does not allow malicious processes li> Special SpyBot tool for saving and restoring Windows registry li> Timer in the English version of Windows which signals that it’s time to drink tea li> ul>
6. Spybot Preventive Spyware Vaccination is called…
- vaccination li>
- Immunization li>
- amputation li> ul>
7. Select the correct end of the phrase: to cancel changes made by SpyBot, you should…
- … Use the built-in spybot function to restore li>
- … try to restore data from the basket Windows Li>
- … Start a special antispybot utility li>
- … immediately restart the computer. Li> ul> p>
Spyware: How to find a spyware on a computer? h2>
Under the term Spyware is understood as a spy program that is installed on the computer and its goal is to collect information regarding the computer system configuration and user activity. That is, all information about your network actions and inside the OS can be affordable attackers. P>
To avoid such a negative impact on the part, it is necessary to control the process of implementing third-party programs without your knowledge. Today, there are several main types of spyware, which can cause invaluable harm to users.
Classification Spyware h3> - Hard disk scanner — spy program that studies the contents of the hard drive to identify valuable information, which Subsequently is transmitted to the host. Li>
- Screen spy — performs periodic screenshots and screenshots of the screenshots of the host. Information of this type is of interest to different kinds of extortioners. Li>
- proxy spy — When installing on a computer, it acts as a proxy server, which allows you to use someone else’s IP address to cover your actions. Li>
- Postal spy — Collection of information that includes email addresses, which is mainly interested in people engaged in spam newsletter. Li>
- keyboard spy — fixation of all keypad presses on the keyboard, which allows, for example, to steal credit numbers cards. li> ul>
The above-mentioned list of threats are far from complete, but the main types of spyware it includes in itself.
Spyware Terminator 2012 h3>
The main program that allows you to find spy on the computer are paid versions of such products. At the same time, there are a number of software solutions that are available free features that make it possible to clear OS from malicious components. P>
For example, the free version of the Spyware Terminator 2012 program, which in the Freeware version has no anti-virus protection and high update priority. At the same time, the available functionality of this software solution allows you to find and delete programs qualified as spies.
Find a spyware program on a computer: Procedure h4> - Download Spyware Terminator 2012 (1 MB). Li>
- Run the program and go to the «Scan» tab. Li>
- Select the «Full Scan» item. The scanning process can take more than one hour.
li> - after the end of this process will be provided with information about the threats found on your computer.
li> - if the threat estimator indicator shows three and more red square, then this is a characteristic critical
6. Spybot Preventive Spyware Vaccination is called…
- vaccination li>
- Immunization li>
- amputation li> ul>
7. Select the correct end of the phrase: to cancel changes made by SpyBot, you should…
- … Use the built-in spybot function to restore li>
- … try to restore data from the basket Windows Li>
- … Start a special antispybot utility li>
- … immediately restart the computer. Li> ul> p>
Spyware: How to find a spyware on a computer? h2>
Under the term Spyware is understood as a spy program that is installed on the computer and its goal is to collect information regarding the computer system configuration and user activity. That is, all information about your network actions and inside the OS can be affordable attackers. P>To avoid such a negative impact on the part, it is necessary to control the process of implementing third-party programs without your knowledge. Today, there are several main types of spyware, which can cause invaluable harm to users.
Classification Spyware h3>
- Hard disk scanner — spy program that studies the contents of the hard drive to identify valuable information, which Subsequently is transmitted to the host. Li>
- Screen spy — performs periodic screenshots and screenshots of the screenshots of the host. Information of this type is of interest to different kinds of extortioners. Li>
- proxy spy — When installing on a computer, it acts as a proxy server, which allows you to use someone else’s IP address to cover your actions. Li>
- Postal spy — Collection of information that includes email addresses, which is mainly interested in people engaged in spam newsletter. Li>
- keyboard spy — fixation of all keypad presses on the keyboard, which allows, for example, to steal credit numbers cards. li> ul>
The above-mentioned list of threats are far from complete, but the main types of spyware it includes in itself.
Spyware Terminator 2012 h3>
The main program that allows you to find spy on the computer are paid versions of such products. At the same time, there are a number of software solutions that are available free features that make it possible to clear OS from malicious components. P>For example, the free version of the Spyware Terminator 2012 program, which in the Freeware version has no anti-virus protection and high update priority. At the same time, the available functionality of this software solution allows you to find and delete programs qualified as spies.
Find a spyware program on a computer: Procedure h4>
- Download Spyware Terminator 2012 (1 MB). Li>
- Run the program and go to the «Scan» tab. Li>
- Select the «Full Scan» item. The scanning process can take more than one hour.
- after the end of this process will be provided with information about the threats found on your computer.
- if the threat estimator indicator shows three and more red square, then this is a characteristic critical
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